Are there any fees associated with the online program?

No. This program is supported 100% by sponsors. We do not sell anything to our education community. Not supplements, not personal training, not extra workouts, NOTHING.

How are workout delivered?

  1. Workouts are delivered via app. You’ll have three workouts per week. There will be a variety of workouts, with videos to show you what every exercise is and how it should be performed. Through this app, you can communicate directly with your coach. The app becomes your health hub. You can track your measurements, weight, workout history, personal bests, etc. See Sample

  2. Meal plans are delivered via the digital magazine Efitphany. You’ll have a month of meals and recipes. There will also be member profiles, fun education stories, informative information and a view of the program sponsors. See Sample.

Where do I workout?

That’s part of the beauty in this program. You can choose to workout at home, at the gym or many people will workout at school with their peers. They become an accountability team.

What if I’m not very physically fit?

NOBODY will be left behind or asked to complete more than he or she is capable of doing safely. Nor will anybody go unchallenged! Men and women of all ages and abilities are welcome to participate. We have multiple programs and based on your signup questionnaire, we’ll place you in the most appropriate program to challenge you but also workout safely. If you find the program is too challenging or not challenging enough, we can place you in another option. **Please consult with your doctor before beginning this, or any, exercise program.

What types of exercises are included in the program?

It all starts with strength training, but some exercises include: core conditioning, functional training, HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) and more!

What days do I have to workout?

This is totally up to you. Your workouts will be delivered on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, but you decide when to do them. 

What’s the secret to success on this program?

The secret is that there is no short cut. You’ll be provided consistent workouts/meal guidance/encouragement. Your consistent efforts over TIME is what equals success. The short cut is the right way and the right way isn’t necessarily short. Simply the truth, but you can do it and it doesn’t have to be unpleasant or overly restrictive.

What’s unique is you’ll have a tribe or community of like minded people supporting you from all over the country. There will be ways to coordinate activities such as runs, hikes, challenge races, etc. Being apart of an active community will be part of your success. .

Do I need any special equipment or clothing?

You will need a set of dumbbells. Depending on your fitness level, most ladies start with 8lbs-10lbs. Most men will start with 15lbs to 20lbs.  I suggest having two different size dumbbells.  You'll need heavier for certain exercises and need to increase the weight as you get stronger.  You should dress in workout clothes. You will need shoes with good support. Also a work out mat/towel. And water, you'll want that!

What can I expect?

  • 3 workouts per week.

  • Time friendly - less than an hour start to finish.

  • Specifically designed workouts that can accommodate a wide variety of fitness levels

  • All facets of fitness included in each class. Fat loss, strength, flexibility, conditioning, power, endurance, muscle tone

  • Environment conducive to steady progress

  • Gain more energy, confidence, self-esteem

I’m not in education, can I still join?

I’m afraid not. We only work with clients who work in K-12 education, both public and private school. However, there are many great programs available to assist you with your health goals. 

NEW - Outside of educators, we now have a program for PTA/PTO organizations. Click here to see more.

When will I start seeing results? 

That largely depends on how you define “results”. If you mean fat loss then you’ll start to see results immediately after you are consistently in a caloric deficit. Many people will start to feel results after the first week, but more often closer to the third week.  If you follow the program and nutrition guide with effort, you can expect to see amazing results such as increased muscle tone, loss of inches, increased stamina, better sleep, and most of all, the happiness that comes with living a healthier lifestyle and being a healthier person! 

Truth: we grimace through the pain, sweat through layers, and pretty much feel the effects in every fiber of our muscles, but most importantly with Coach Nice’s guidance and encouragement, we work hard, go strong, and ultimately come back for more! Choosing Boot Camp is one of the best decisions I’ve made this year. Coach Nice comes in with his heavy bag of tricks, making each workout as rigorous and unique as any we’ve had before. Since starting, I’ve noticed an incredible difference in my energy levels and I have a renewed passion for staying fit. Thanks for all you do, Coach!